Publications after 2017

for previous publications see here


  • R. Amyot, H. Flechsig
    BioAFMviewer: an interactive interface for simulated AFM scanning of biomolecular structures and dynamics.
    PLoS Comput Biol 16(11): e1008444 (2020)
    citations: 2
    - EurekAlert! press release, asia RESEARCH NEWS, ScienceDaily,

  • Y. Hosaka, S. Komura, A.S. Mikhailov
    Mechanochemical enzymes and protein machines as hydrodynamic force dipoles: the active dimer model.
    Soft Matter 16, 10734 (2020)
    citations: 1

  • D. Loutchko, H. Flechsig
    Allosteric communication in molecular machines via information exchange: what can be learned from dynamical modeling.
    Biophys Rev 12, 443-452 (2020)
    Springer Nature ShareIt (full-text view-only)
    citations: 6

  • Y. Koyano, H. Kitahata, A.S. Mikhailov
    Diffusion in crowded colloids of particles cyclically changing their shapes.
    Europhysics Letters 128, 40003 (2020)
    citations: 1


  • Y. Koyano, H. Kitahata, A.S. Mikhailov
    Diffusion in cells or biomembranes ― diffusion enhancement and drift induced by hydrodynamical collective effect.
    Butsuri 74(9), 627 (2019)
    citations: 0

  • J.K. Noel, F. Noe, O. Daumke, A.S. Mikhailov
    Polymer-like model to study the dynamics of dynamin filaments on deformable membrane tubes.
    Biophys. J. 117, 1870-1891 (2019)
    citations: 2

  • R. Amyot, Y. Togashi, H. Flechsig
    Analyzing fluctuation properties in protein elastic networks with sequence-specific and distance-dependent interactions.
    Biomolecules 9(10), 549 (2019)
    citations: 0

  • H. Flechsig, A.S. Mikhailov
    Simple mechanics of protein machines.
    J. Roy. Soc. Interface 16: 20190244 (2019)
    citations: 11
    - EurekAlert! press release
    - covered in Science Daily,, 7th Space


  • Y. Togashi, H. Flechsig
    Coarse-grained protein dynamics studies using elastic network models.
    Int. J. Mol. Sci. 19(12):3899 (2018)
    citations: 7

  • H. Flechsig, Y. Togashi
    Designed Elastic Networks: Models of Complex Protein Machinery.
    Int. J. Mol. Sci. 19(10):3152 (2018)
    citations: 12


  • L. Dai, H. Flechsig, J. Yu
    Deciphering intrinsic inter-subunit couplings that lead to sequential hydrolysis of F1-ATPase ring.
    Biophysical Journal 113:1440-1453 (2017)
    - article highlighted with Video on the BJ website
    citations: 5

  • H. Flechsig
    Design of elastic networks with evolutionary optimized long-range communication as mechanical models of allosteric proteins.
    Biophysical Journal 113:558-571 (2017)
    - most read article in August
    - article highlighted with Video on the BJ website
    citations: 35

  • K. Yasuda, R. Okamoto, S. Komura, A.S. Mikhailov
    Localization and diffusion of tracer particles in viscoelastic media with active force dipoles.
    Europhysics Letters 117, 38001 (2017)
    citations: 9

  • D. Loutchko, M. Eisbach, A.S. Mikhailov
    Stochastic thermodynamics of a chemical nanomachine: The channeling enzyme tryptophan synthase.
    J. Chem. Phys. 146, 025101 (2017)
    citations: 8

  • A.S. Mikhailov, Y. Koyano, H. Kitahata
    Hydrodynamic Effects in Oscillatory Active Nematics.
    J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 86, 101013 (2017)
    citations: 5